“In the believer there is nothing that can magnify man; he is planted, nourished, and protected by the Lord's own hand, and therefore to Him let all the glory be ascribed.” C.H. Spurgeon
John A. Tucker attended Community Bible Church for several years before accepting the call to serve full time as senior pastor in January 2016.
John earned his BA in History at the University of Akron, and his Juris Doctor from the C. Blake McDowell School of Law at the University of Akron in 1990. John, a resident of Stark County since 1972, has had extensive experience in teaching, preaching and leadership roles in area churches for the past 35 years. John and his wife Deborah have three grown children.
Pastor John’s vision for the church is to equip believers to understand the Bible so they are grounded and settled in their faith in Jesus Christ and have a God captivated vision of all things.
“We can’t tell people about the Good News of the Gospel if they do not see a strong sense of conviction and consuming love for Christ in our own lives first. The vision of God we affirm each Sunday at CBC is that of a sovereign God who reigns supreme over all, whose purposes are accomplished without fail, and who directs the course of human affairs, including the central drama of saving a people for the honor of His Name, all with perfect holiness and matchless grace.” - John Tucker
Community Bible Church has a long history in the area. Since 1834 there has been a gospel witness in Westville. Church services began in the parlor of the Red Hotel and in the homes of Westville residents. Since that time the church has met in a chair factory, a wagon shop, and an old school house. It was first organized in 1862 as the "Bible Christian Church." The first church building was constructed in 1867 and served the people until the present sanctuary was completed in 1961 with the addition of Fellowship Hall in 1977.
The need for further seating in the sanctuary, a larger fellowship hall, first-floor restrooms, and office space, led to our expansion project in 2003.
Our history has more to it, however, than buildings. It has a legacy of preaching and teaching the Word of God and bringing others to salvation through Jesus Christ. We continue to train people to share the gospel with others and live in a way that is pleasing to God.
If you’d like to learn more about Pastor John and CBC, visit the podcast episodes below.
No Compromise Radio: John Tucker Interview - Pillars Conference: John and Mike Abendroth discuss preaching, lawyering, and conferencing (March 30, 2022).
No Compromise Radio: A Lawyer’s Look At Romans: John breaks down Romans from the perspective of a lawyer (October 29, 2019).
The Pactum Episode 117 - Legal Issues: John and Pat Abendroth discuss legal issues in the church (April 26, 2023).